Tenda Tora Lodge location, directions, satelite map

    Tenda Tora Lodge location, directions, satelite map

Tenda Tora Lodge

Tenda Tora Lodge Bilene
Bilene Mozambique
Bilene Self catering

Tenda Tora Lodge location, directions, satelite map

From the Komatipoort border - travel approx 90 km's to Maputo, turn left to Xai Xai on the EN1 North for approx 150 km's. At Macia turn right and drive in an easterly direction for approx 33 km's to Praia do Bilene.
You will arrive at a circle (Bilene Motel)
Take the road on the right of the Motel and go straight.
At the T-Junction turn left. Go past both garages (left side) and immediately after the market - turn left onto a dirt road (Bairro Mahungo, Nhabanga sign)
Go over the bridge and take the very first right and immediately right again. Approx 600 metres from the main road. You will see the white houses with blue roofs a few metres on.





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