Dumela Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

    Dumela Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

Dumela Mozambique

Dumela Mozambique Inhambane

Dumela Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

Follow EN1 till Maputo (from the direction op Neilspruit)
Continue on the EN1 in the direction of XAI XAI/BEIRA
Take turn off to Inhambane
Follow road for 27.5 km

Take turn off at the signboards indicating to Guinjata bay and other resorts. (dirt road)
Follow the dirt road for 16 km until you reach a junction (small shopping area). Keep left here and travel for a further 2 km (4x4 will be necessary) until you reach Cumbini Resort on your left.
Here you will find the entrance of Cumbini Resort

GPS Coordinates: 23.8758°S  35.3925°W  





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