Guiquindo Lodge location, directions, satelite map

    Guiquindo Lodge location, directions, satelite map

Guiquindo Lodge

Guiquindo Lodge Inhambane

Guiquindo Lodge location, directions, satelite map

There is an Airport in Inhambane with flights from South Africa. From Kruger National Park into Mozambique boder post and up to Inhambane. From South Africa follow EN1 till Maputo .Continue on the EN1 in the direction of XAI XAI/BEIRA Take turn off to Inhambane Follow road for 27.5 km turn off at the signboards indicating to Guinjata bay and other resorts. (dirt road) Follow the dirt road for 16 km until you reach a a sign Guiquindo lodge. Turn left here and travel for a further 2 km (4x4 might be necessary) until you see the ocean and Guiquindo lodge in front of you.

GPS Coordinates: 23.8708°S  35.3870°W  





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