Laguna Camp location, directions, satelite map

    Laguna Camp location, directions, satelite map

Laguna Camp

Laguna Camp Bilene
Laguna Camp, Bilene, Mozambique

Laguna Camp location, directions, satelite map

Laguna Camp is reachable by normal vehicles, but pulling Trailers, Caravans or boats you require 4 x 4. An adventurous route of 6,6 km with sandy patches and a bridge that has to be carefully negotiated. It is advisable to arrive at Laguna camp during day time.
The route to Laguna Camp is marked by "Laguna Camp Boards"
Laguna Camp is situated on the beautiful coastline of Mozambique, on top of dunes overlooking the Bilene Lagoon. Shady trees, surrounded by coconut palms, 100 m from the white beaches of the Lagoon.

GPS Coordinates: 25.2894°S  33.2323°W  





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