Rizoldu Beach Resort location, directions, satelite map

    Rizoldu Beach Resort location, directions, satelite map

Rizoldu Beach Resort

Rizoldu Beach Resort Inhambane

Rizoldu Beach Resort location, directions, satelite map

Rizoldu is approximately 17km from Inhambane airport but road transfers can be arranged.
Road directions:

From border in Komatipoort-drive to Maputo, go left on EN1 to Xai-Xai(drive carefully on this road for about 100km) Go straight with this road-no turn offs.

At Lindela you turn right to Inhambane. Go straight on this road and follow the boards of CoCo nut Bay until you see yellow boards of Rizuldo Beach Resort.
Follow the Rizoldu signs.

GPS Coordinates: 23.8758°S  35.3815°W  





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