Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

    Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique

Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique Maputo
Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique, Maputo, Mozambique

Sundown Guest House Maputo Mozambique location, directions, satelite map

Enter Maputo through N4 which leads you to a roundabout at which you must go straight - after roundabout you will find yourself on Avenida 24 of July - some 3 km further you will find Av. Vladimir Lenin, make left. - continue on Av. Vladimir Lenin, some 2km, until you reach another roundabout at which you go right onto Av. Kenneth Kaunda. - continue until first traffic light, make right onto Av. Kim Il Sung - make first right onto Rua Pereira do Lago - make second left, some 350m, onto Rua 1301 - Sundown Guest House is second house on your right hand side.

GPS Coordinates: 25.9679°S  32.5800°W  





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