Pestana Rovuma Hotel location, directions, satelite map

    Pestana Rovuma Hotel location, directions, satelite map

Pestana Rovuma Hotel

Pestana Rovuma Hotel Maputo
Pestana Rovuma Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique

Pestana Rovuma Hotel location, directions, satelite map

Coming from South Africa and once you reach the Ressano Garcia Boarder gate, you will cross the 2 boarder gates and when leaving the boarder, you will be on the high way called Estrada Nacional. You will reach a toll gate and keep straight all the way until you reach a point where you see you are starting to come in to a small city (Matola), you will see right ahead a set of robots and a small out skirt road going off on your left hand side you take this little off ramp right road. Now on this Highway is still the continuation of the Estrada Nacional N1. Keep going straight on this highway, you will pass another 2 toll gate and still keep on going straight. Now you will eventually reach a rotunda Traffic Circle, at the rotunda you will go into the traffic circle and not take the first, Not the second but the third off ramp out. Once you take this road you are now on Av. Organiza??o das Na??es Unidas. This road has a few bends you follow the road all the way straight until you eventually will reach a T junction you now turn left once again. Now you will be on Av. 25 de Setembro. Keep going straight until you reach a DHL and a broken down burnt building on your left hand side and a set of robots. You will turn Up to the Left at these robots, you are now on Av. Samora Michel follow this road all the way up until you see a Traffic circle Rotunda This Rotunda is called Pra?a da Indep?ndencia, at the circle you go to the inner circle and take the 2 little road this is the road right in front of the Cathedral (Big white Cathedral) this roads name is Rua da Radio. On the first road right at the end of the cathedral you turn left this will already give you a side view of the Hotel this roads name is Rua da S?. Keep going straight and you will reach the Hotel on your right hand side.

GPS Coordinates: 25.9621°S  32.5841°W  





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